Monday 17 June 2013

Can Your Immune System Protect You From Blood Disease?

Your immune system is a powerful fighting agent for your body. The stronger your immune system is, the less prone you are to illness and the quicker you can fight off an illness if you become sick. There are a variety of factors that play an important role in the health of your immune system, and these factors include the function of the various organs in your body. If you’re wondering if your immune system can protect you from blood disease, the answer is yes. While it cannot completely prevent a blood disease from occurring, it can help speed up your recovery time by flushing it from your system at a faster rate than someone without a strong immune system.

When you have a healthy immune system, your blood is filled with infection fighting white blood cells that work efficiently to rid the blood of any impurities. The weaker your immune system is, the lower the white blood cell count will go. When your white blood cell count is low, your red blood cell count will go up and make it difficult for your body to rid itself of any diseases. Many times when someone has a blood disease such as cancer; the body is so depleted of healthy white blood cells that it gets a lot weaker, and can be difficult to get positive results from the treatment without taking the proper steps to boost your system.

There are several steps you can take to boost your system and make it efficient in warding off infections and blood diseases. Many of these steps simply require some lifestyle changes and the results are plentiful. You’ll not only experience an increase in disease fighting effects, you’ll also improve your energy and your overall health, which is essential for your wellbeing.

Changing your diet is the most obviously and effective way to boost your system and keep disease in check. Many people eat a lot of processed foods, not realizing that these foods provide basically little to no nutrition for the body. All processed foods, and those that are high in sugar, should be replaced with wholesome foods such as; nuts, grains, brain, fresh fruits and fresh vegetable. You should also limit your intake of dairy because, while some if a great source of calcium, excessive dairy can cause mucus and

Inflammation build up, which makes it difficult for your body to fight off other infections because it sees the inflammation as an illness, when it’s actually a side-effect of too much dairy.

It would be ideal if everyone could receive all of their nutrition through healthy, wholesome foods, but realistically, that’s often not a possibility. Taking a good, multi-vitamin each day is a great way to supplement for any nutrition that you’re not receiving through your diet. You may want to choose a vitamin that doesn’t contain iron because these levels are generally good. However, a physician can test to ensure they are at the right level. Plenty of exercise is also essential for a healthy immune system that can fight off blood disease because it increases the amount of oxygen in the blood.

Taking the time to make some healthy lifestyle changes can seem difficult at first, especially if you’re used to eating bad food and avoiding exercise. However, in just a short amount of time you’ll see that the changes you made were well worth your time, and you’ll feel better in your everyday life.

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