Monday 23 September 2013

How Thyroid Disorders Effect your Blood

When people think about thyroid disorders, they often do not take into consideration the effect that a thyroid disorder has on their blood. For those who are not familiar with what exactly the thyroid is, the thyroid is a gland located in the body, which is responsible for secreting hormones into the blood, and controlling the function of various parts throughout the body. The thyroid is not only responsible for secreting its hormone into the blood, but it also works to regular the amount of hormones that are in the blood from other organs and glands throughout the body. When different thyroid disorders occur, it affects the amount of hormones that your blood gets, which takes away from the proper functioning of your blood.

An overactive thyroid is one common disorder that is known for causing a variety of symptoms. When your thyroid is overactive, this means that you are having too much of the hormone secreted into your blood. When you blood gets too much of the hormone, it is unable to distribute the hormone properly throughout your body and it begins to build up inside of the blood. This causes symptoms to occur such as, rapid weight loss due to the excessive amount of hormones, nervousness, anxiety, hair loss and even a heightened heart rate.

When you have an underactive thyroid, you blood isn’t getting enough of the hormone it needs from your thyroid gland in order to properly function. The blood is looking for this hormone from the glad, however, it is only receiving it in small amounts, which causes adverse effects to occur. Generally someone with an underactive thyroid will experience symptoms such as excessive weight gain that cannot be controlled with diet or exercise, thinning of the hair, depression, and even immune system problems due to the lack of proper hormone levels in their blood.

When your blood isn’t getting the hormones it needs from your blood, it is also unable to properly regulate other hormones in your blood, such as your reproductive hormones. This will lead to even more adverse health problems, and issues with your blood, which means you need to get medical attention for this problem as soon as it is detected.

If you think you may have a thyroid problem, there are different tests that can be used in order to find out if a problem is present. The first test given is generally a blood test, where they will measure the level of hormones present in your blood. If a thyroid disorder is present, different medications can be used to correct the issue and get the hormones flowing properly throughout your blood. In some cases where treatment was not effective, surgery may be used in order to get the thyroid functioning correctly and eliminate the problem from coming back in the future. With the right treatment, your blood will get the hormones that it needs from your thyroid gland to function properly once again. Learn more by visiting our website

About the different Blood Types

A lot of people know that there are various different blood types, and while they may know which type of blood they have, they may not be aware of what exactly this means or how they came about having the type of blood that they do inside of their body. By learning more about the different blood types that people have and what the different types mean, you can better understand what exactly your blood type means.

The first factor when it comes to blood is the Rh factor. The Rh factor in someone’s blood can be either positive or negative. About 85% of the American population has Rh+ blood, while the other 15% has the negative factor. When the negative factor is present in women, it may be important to be given shots during pregnancy. This are called Rhuses negative shots, and they allow your body to have a healthy pregnancy. In some women with a negative Rh factor, the body may see the baby as a foreign object, and the risk of miscarriage can be higher. By getting the shots, it protects both the mother and baby from any complications during pregnancy.

There are four main different types of blood that is present in the human body. The first type of blood, which has been around since ancient times, is blood type A. This is not only the oldest, but it is also the most common type of blood. Those with this type of blood can be either A+ or A-. Depending on the Rh factor, the person with blood type A can be given a blood transfusion with AB+, AB-, A+, but not with B-.

The second type of blood type B. This type of blood is created due to the sugars that are present within the blood. The same way that A type blood is created, B blood is created because the body exerts a different type of sugar. These two blood types can also be combined when both sugars are present in the body, which can create either AB+ or AB- blood types. If one parent has type A blood and the other parent has B blood, the child will generally have a combination of the two. A combination of blood types of considered to be the third form of blood types, because when the types are combined together, they work differently than when they are on their own.

The last type of blood, and the most unique, is type O blood. This type of blood is created when there is no sugar present in the body. Depending on the Rh factor, the blood can be either O+ or O-. Those with type O-negative blood are very useful, because their blood can be used universally for blood transfusions; however, this type of blood is also the least common. In order to have O type blood, both parents need to have type O blood, but the negative or positive aspects also play a role. Two parents with type positive blood with have a child with negative, while two negative makes a positive blood type. To know more information visit our website

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Cleaning your blood naturally

Not many people realize that their blood can easily build up with many different toxins throughout the years, and these toxins can cause a lot of problems that they are not even aware of. Even the healthiest person is exposed to these different types of toxins because they are in the air around us, found in our drinking water and cannot be avoided. When toxins get into our body, they first travel through the oxygen that we breathe, and when our blood cells are carrying the oxygen throughout our bodies, it allows these toxins to make their way into our blood and wreak their havoc. The god news is that cleansing your blood naturally is something you can do on your own, and it helps remove all of these toxins from your system, makes you feel better overall and even helps to boost your immune system so you are less susceptible to different diseases.

In order to cleanse your blood naturally, you’ll need to consume foods that are high in antioxidants first. Antioxidants work by traveling throughout your body and your blood, and then pushing all of the impurities that are found within your body out of it. There are many excellent sources of antioxidants, and some people may prefer one of another. In order to get the best results from this type of natural treatment, you want to continue using one of these on a daily basis for two weeks, and then use it for at least one week to keep your body clean from toxins.

Green tea is an excellent antioxidant that is also packed full of different vitamins and minerals that your body needs to stay healthy. Some people enjoy green tea because it not only helps to cleanse their blood, but it also helps to give them a caffeine boost that is different than coffee because it doesn’t cause the jitters. When you drink green tea, you want to allow the tea bag to steep for at least 5 minutes before drinking, which will ensure that all of the nutrients are removed from the tea bag and placed into the water you’ll be drinking.

Oranges are another great antioxidant, which are also packed full of vitamin C, which is essential for a healthy immune system. When you are using oranges as your source of antioxidants, you can take it in two different forms. You’ll either want to eat the fruit naturally, or drink orange juice. However, when you decide to drink orange juice, many experts say that you should squeeze your own juice because many of the brands you will find available in stores are full of sugar and other added ingredients that are not beneficial for you.

After you have chosen the right antioxidant for you, you also want to be sure to eat foods that are high in the different vitamins and minerals that your body needs. This will help your body to remove the toxins at a faster rate, and keep your body healthy while it’s going through this process.

About Access Biologicals: Access Biologicals is a leading source for Biological Products with access to Plasma and serum Donation centers. Learn more about Access Biologicals by visiting us at