Friday 25 October 2013

Types of Blood Infections

Not many people realize how many different types of blood infections there are. While some of these infections are fairly harmless, and will actually go away on their own overtime, other infections can be very serious and may be life threatening if the proper treatment for the infection is not received. By learning more about the different types of blood infections that occur in the body, you can better educate yourself on the topic.

Sepsis is a very serious condition, which occurs when your body has a serious infection. When your body has a serious infection, it starts creating more white blood cells to get rid of the infection within your body and blood. However, when sepsis occurs, your body is unable to get rid of the infection on its own, and your blood actually gets an overload of white blood cells, which can lead to this life threatening condition.
Severe bacterial infections, which make their way into your blood system, are the most common cause for sepsis. The reason why this condition can be life threatening in because it causes so many blood cells to form that large blood clots begin to form inside of the blood vessels, which then deprives your body of oxygen. As the oxygen is derived from your body, your organs will begin to shut down and you will then go into shock. Many people think bacterial infections do not need treatment, but getting on an antibiotic right away will prevent the infection from entering your blood stream and causing this condition to occur.

Symptoms of a Blood infection
When you have a blood infection that has gotten to the point where treatment is required, there are many different symptoms that may be present with the infection. Some people will experience fever, chills, aches, dizziness, confusion and pain in areas of the body where the infection is growing stronger. Due to the lack of proper blood flow throughout the body when the infection has entered the blood, fainting may occur and immediate medical attention will be required to keep the condition from becoming worse.

Who is Susceptible to Blood Infections?
While blood infections can occur in people of all ages, those who are most prone to these infections include the elderly and infants. The reason why they are more likely to get an infection is because a newborn doesn’t have a strong immune system yet, which means they are unable to fight off the infection when in its initial stages. The elderly also have immune systems that have weakened overtime, which makes it easier for blood infections to spread throughout the body and cause serious damage.

Treatment for Infections
When infections are caught in the early stages, simple antibiotics may be all that is needed to rid the body of the bacteria that is causing the infections to occur. However, when the infection has gotten out of control and begins to create too many blood cells in the body, blood transfusions are often used to get rid of the blood that is infected, and IV antibiotics are given to flush the infection out of the body at a fast rate.

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