Friday 25 October 2013

Improving brain healthy through healthy blood flow

Your brain is one of the most important organs within your body, and when your brain isn’t getting what it needs to function correctly, it can take a large toll on your brain health and result in a variety of different issues. Those who do not have the right nutrition and oxygen in their blood which is needed for healthy brain functioning often find that they suffer dire effects. Also, those who do not have the proper blood flow needed to provide their brain with the oxygen it needs to function correctly can have permanent damage to the brain that can get worse overtime.

There are a variety of different brain issues that can occur when you have problems with your blood. One of the most common issues to occur early in age is memory loss. When your brain doesn’t have the oxygen that it needs to function correctly, recalling old memories can become rather difficult. As this problem progresses, it will also affect your short-term memory, and you may not be able to recall recent events as you were once able to. As you get older, the damage to your brains memory will get much worse, and you may see issues such as Alzheimer’s and dementia occur. These conditions are irreversible and can get so bad that you forget your name, friends, family and any past life events.

While memory problems occur with lack of oxygen and nutritional flow to the brain, this is not the only issue that will be seen when you have issues with your blood flow to the brain. Some people will suffer from frequent migraines, which can be rather painful and due to the cause of these headaches, medication may not work to get rid of the pain that is present. Damage to different areas of the brain that effect learning, decision making and even motor skills can occur over time, which can greatly affect the quality of your life and your general well-being. By taking the steps needed to ensure your blood flow is healthy, you can prevent these problems from occurring and keep your brain health at its best.

One reason why you may not have the proper blood flow that you need through your body is due to your blood being too thick, which causes your body to overwork itself while trying to push it through your veins. This can result in damage to the cells within your blood that carry oxygen and even damage to your arteries. By drinking plenty of water each day, you are helping to thin out your blood naturally and improve its flow. A good percentage of your blood is made from water, so when you are dehydrated or do not get the water you need daily, your blood can become think and difficult to move. It is suggested that you drink at least 6-8 glasses per-day. Taking a good vitamin B1 supplement can also improve your blood flow, as this vitamin helps to thin out the blood and allow it to flow naturally.

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